Zell – Learn JavaScript from scratch

Everything you need to know about JavaScript explained in the right order.

No JavaScript knowledge required

I don’t assume you know anything. I teach you the absolute basics, including how to link your JavaScript file to your HTML file.

Easy to understand examples

Real examples in every lesson. No foo, no bar. Abstract concepts get turned into everyday examples through relevant analogies.

Step-by-step lessons

Each lesson builds on the knowledge you learned from previous lessons. We don’t skip steps so you won’t get confused.

From theory to practice

Learn to apply JavaScript concepts as you build real-world components so you remember JavaScript for life.

Build 20 real-world components

You’ll make animations, use best practices, improve the components you built throughout the course, and more.

A community that answers your questions.

All your JavaScript questions will get answered in this community — no exceptions — so ask away!

With over 300 in-depth lessons, Learn JavaScript helps you:

  • Understand JavaScript
  • Learn JavaScript best practices
  • Think like a developer
  • Make silky smooth animations
  • Make things from scratch
  • Build frameworks
  • Build 20 real-world components
  • Write reusable code
  • Have confidence in JavaScript
  • Remember JavaScript for life
  • And much more! (See the complete lesson list below).

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